Monday 09 December 2024
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The 4 possible origins of the messages
The reaction of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)
What did the CDF really say?
Video-interview of Vassula who explains the dialogue process with the C.D.F. after the publication of the Notification
Vassula en opposition avec la Doctrine... chrétienne ? (Lucien Lombard)
Dialogue .entre Vassula et la CDF
Vassula Rydén's messages reviewed by Cardinal Prospero Grech
CHIARIFICAZIONI con la C.D.F. La Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede.
Commentary on the Notification
By Fr. Robert Hughes, S.M. (Marist)
By Fr. Robert Hughes, S.M. (Marist)
By Fr. Robert Hughes, S.M. (Marist)
By Fr. Robert Hughes, S.M. (Marist)
By Fr. Guido Sommavilla, SJ
By Fr. Guido Sommavilla, SJ
CDF: content of the dialogue with Vassula
Introduction - Modifications by the CDF
Foreword by Ramon C. Arguelles, Archbishop of Lipa (Philippines)
Cover Letter by P. Joseph Augustine, Di Noia, O.P., Under-Secretary with the CDF
Letter by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences of France, Switzerland, Uruguay, Philippines & Canada
Vassula Informs TLIG Readers of CDF Communication
Fr Prospero Grech, Consultor of the Congregation writes a letter to Vassula
Answer to Question 1: Relationship between TLIG and Revelation
Answer to Question 2: My relationship as Orthodox Christian to the Roman Catholic Church.
Answer to Question 3: Confusion of terminology in regards to the persons in the Holy Trinity
Answer to Question 4: Protology and Eschatology
Answer to Question 5: TLIG as movement?
Vassula and Cardinal Ratzinger (Fr. Lars Messerschmidt, Vicar General of the Catholic Church in Denmark)
The reaction of the Orthodox Church
The Orthodox Churches point of view
The Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Theodoros II, opened the doors to TLIG and Vassula
Announcement by the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Original Greek text (16.03.2011)
Announcement on Vassula Rydén, by the Ecumenical Patriarchate (certified translation, May 2011)
VASSULA excommunicated. A response to this FALSE statement, (by the Foundation for True Life in God, Geneva (Switzerland).
Ecumenical Patriarchate. It is NOT an excommunication
The false statement of "Vassula excommunicated" is unveiled at last
Divine Revelation ended with the death of the last disciple
"The Holy Spirit will remind you of all I have said to you" (cf John 14:26)
Importance of the apparitions (Fr. René Laurentin)
There is no need for the True Life in God messages
There is nothing new in the True Life in God messages, and everything can be found in the Bible
There are doctrinal errors in the True Life in God messages
Accusations of trinitarian heresies, Fr. Michal Kaszowski
Confusion of the persons of the Holy Trinity. Inverview of Vassula
Vassula pan-chrétienne ? (Per Paul Ekström, Licencié en Théologie)
Inerrance limitée des révélations privées (P. Ovila Melançon)
The messages are received through automatic handwriting. Spiritism?
Announcement by the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Inerrance limitée des révélations privées (P. Ovila Melançon)
No violation of her free will is involved
Automatic Writing Or Hieratic (Sacred) Writing? Answer from Rev. Christian Curty OFM, Priest and Exorcist
An Introduction to the Handwriting
An Analysis by J. A. Munier SGF
L'écriture automatique : discernement (P. Ovila Melançon, c.s.c.)
New age?
Accusation of being a Trojan Horse for the New Age
Did the soul have a vision of God before being infused into the body? An answer of Vassula.
New age ?
Le procès en sorcellerie
New age ?
La Vraie Vie en Dieu, une dérive sectaire ?
There are spelling and grammatical mistakes within the messages
La Vraie Vie en Dieu, une dérive sectaire ?
One could expect God to know how to write in English!
Why does Jesus need to edit what He Himself has written down?
"You are obliging Me to reduce Myself to your level of grammar to reach you" (February 25, 1991)
The tone of the messages is wrong
Why are the messages so repetitive? Is God interested in the mundane aspects of our lives?
Piété et « sentimentalisme » (P. Ovila Melançon, c.s.c.)
« Ils M'accusent, disant que Mes Paroles sont excessives et sentimentales » (25 septembre 1997)
The messages were altered after they were received
« Ils M'accusent, disant que Mes Paroles sont excessives et sentimentales » (25 septembre 1997)
If the messages truly came from God Vassula Ryden would not dare to alter them
Omissions? Blank pages? Changed Messages? (fr. John Abberton)
Reasons for omissions and blank pages in TLIG. Question Answered by Vassula
Saint Bridget of Sweden: how the revelations were written down (Aron Andersson)
The messages condemn those who object to their authenticity
Those who approach the messages sincerely will realise that God is talking to them
Ce qu'il advient de ceux qui persécutent l'Esprit Saint...
Ce qu'il advient de ceux qui persécutent l'Esprit Saint...
Ce qu'il advient de ceux qui persécutent l'Esprit Saint...
John Paul II. The Pope refers to True Life in God
True Life in God - The Australian Vineyard
Fr. Petar Ljubicic. From Medjugorje - An interview
Presentation of the book "Heaven is Real But So is Hell"
New age ?
Présentation du livre "Le ciel existe mais l'enfer aussi"
From the laity
Testimonies from the Laity...
From the clergy
A collection of short testimonies from clergy around the world
Cardinal Napier. Meeting with Vassula
Bishop Anil Couto, Bishop of Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Archbishop Vincent Concessao, Archbishop of New Delhi, India
Père Christian Curty, prêtre-exorciste
Témoignages de prêtres et religieux lecteurs de La Vraie Vie en Dieu
Lettre adressée le 9 novembre 1995 au Cardinal Ratzinger (Père Fernando Umaña Montoya)
Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi
The Miracle of the Face of Jesus in Canada
The Miracle of the Face of Jesus in Canada
Vidéo-témoignage de Vassula racontant les signes qui accompagnent la proclamation des messages
Vassula's comment on Prophecies
Iceland Volcano, Meteor in USA. Explanation from Vassula
Who is Vassula?
Some biographical information
Discernment of fr. René Laurentin
Un authentique prophète (Père Ljudevit Rupcic)
Vassula, vraie prophète
Vassula fought from within: correction
Some messages
Rebellion Is At Its Work Already (March 17, 1993)
Rebellion Is At Its Work Already (March 17, 1993)
Rebellion Is At Its Work Already (March 17, 1993)
Rebellion Is At Its Work Already (March 17, 1993)
Rebellion Is At Its Work Already (March 17, 1993)
After the publication of the Notification
You Have Been Sold By One Of My Own (October 25, 1995)
A Multitude Will Rise To Strike You Down (November 10, 1995)
Do Not Defend Yourself (November 15, 1995)
Today You Have Crowned Me With Glory (January 31, 1996)
Church unity
Today You Have Crowned Me With Glory (January 31, 1996)
Ecumenical speech at the International Bridgettine Centre of Farfa, delivered by Vassula
L'unité des chrétiens par Monseigneur Eugène Pappas
Private revelations
Les révélations privées - Discernement (P. Ovila Melançon, c.s.c.)
Theological status of private revelations (Joseph Card. Ratzinger)
Langage mystique et sentimentalité (P. Ovila Melançon, c.s.c.)
The Role and Status of Apparitions and Private Revelations (Fr. René Laurentin)
Theological reflection
Fonction et statut des apparitions et révélations privées (P. René Laurentin)
Notes théologiques de Vassula
Prophecy and Apparitions (Prof. Niels Christian Hvidt)
A Case History From the 21st Century – Vassula Rydén (Prof. Niels Christian Hvidt)
Faustina Kowalska. Instance of a complete reversal of the C.D.F.
The Blasphemy (Reflection of Vassula)
Cardinal Ratzinger. The notification is NOT a condemnation
Catechesis on fasting (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov)
En action de grâce pour les charismes (Todor Sabev)
En action de grâce pour les charismes (Todor Sabev)
En action de grâce pour les charismes (Todor Sabev)
La Vraie Vie en Dieu au chœur de la foi chrétienne (Père Raymond Halter)
Ευδιάκριτα Εβραϊκή της Αδελφής Σεραφείμ
Ευδιάκριτα Εβραϊκή της Αδελφής Σεραφείμ
Esprit et charisme prophétiques (Père Antonio Gentili)
Vassula et l'humilité. (Par Marie-Vérenne)
The TLIG Messages enjoy the Magisterium's IMPRIMATUR and NIHIL OBSTAT. Official ecclesiastic seals of approval
Apologetic essay
An apologetic essay by Christophe Biotteau
Ce que j'ai voulu faire
Chapitre 1 - Le rapt de Vassula
Chapitre 2 - La secrétaire livre
Chapitre 3 - Le refus de l'émerveillement
Chapitre 4 - Spontanéité, ignorance de Vassula, gage ou illusion de la conversation intime ?
Chapitre 5 - Les répétitions, force ou faiblesse ?
Chapitre 6 - Prophéties, l'impossible tromperie
Chapitre 7 - La poésie ou l'empreinte du Maître
Spiritual union
Spiritual union
Union spirituelle (p. Umaña Montoya) : Introduction
Union spirituelle (p. Umaña Montoya) : Qu'est-ce que le Mariage spirituel ?
Union spirituelle (p. Umaña Montoya) : La Clef Nuptiale : Purification
Union spirituelle (p. Umaña Montoya) : L'époux de l'humanité
Union spirituelle (p. Umaña Montoya) : Le Cantique de l'Epoux
Union spirituelle (p. Umaña Montoya) : Les Odes de la Sainte Trinité