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Home » F.A.Q. » The tone of the messages is wrong
Why are the messages so repetitive? Is God interested in the mundane aspects of our lives?

Probably the weakest objection that is made to the authenticity of the True Life in God messages is that the tone of the messages strikes some people as ‘inauthentic’.

Vassula’s critics first argue that some of the True Life in God messages are so intimate and playful, that they cannot come from God. But how do they know? Why can’t God be intimate and playful with us? We know that God loves us so much that He gave us His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us. Why can’t God love us so much that when He talks to us, He will be intimate and playful?

Vassula’s critics then argue that the True Life in God messages are so repetitive, with certain phrases being repeated over and over again, that they cannot come from God. But why shouldn’t the True Life in God messages be repetitive? They are, after all messages: if you want to get a message through, an effective way of doing it – particularly if the person you are talking to may not be listening too well – is to repeat it over and over again.
Finally, it is argued that some of the messages are very banal, with whoever is talking to Vassula, or Vassula herself, mentioning the need to do her housework. God, they argue, would take no interest in such matters – and anyone who was genuinely talking to God would never dare or think it appropriate to talk about such things. But, again, how do they know? One of the messages of the True Life in God messages is how much God wants to be involved in our everyday life, how He wants to be present in everything we do. So God wants us to involve Him in the even the most mundane aspects of our lives. Is this so strange? After all, if you love someone, you want to be with them all the time, and be involved with everything they do. Why should God, and God’s love, be any different?