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Vassula Rydén's messages reviewed by Cardinal Prospero Grech

A menny létezik, de a pokol isVassula’s book, Heaven is Real but so is Hell, published last year has received an important review by Cardinal Prospero Grech. It was in 2002 that Fr. Prospero Grech was appointed by the then Cardinal Ratzinger to ask Vassula, on behalf of the CDF, certain questions regarding the True Life in God writings. The questions, along with Vassula’s answers, can be read at

Prospero Grech bíborosFr Grech was made a Cardinal in 2012 and delivered the opening meditation at the 2013 conclave which elected Pope Francis.

Cardinal Grech’s review of Vassula’s book appeared in the January 2014 issue of the well respected magazine, ’Inside the Vatican’. The review can be read at:

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